Monday 15 October 2012

New beginings

Well hello there, and welcome to my little blog!

Firstly - a little about me I suppose, for obvious reasons personal details are vague, and as we progress along this journey, for confidentiality reasons - names and locations will be changed.

I'm a first year student nurse, in a North England university - although I'm originally from Wales.

I hate quiche but love pesto.

I've wanted to be a nurse for about 4 years, although other potential career paths have included: social worker, teacher, costume designer and actress.

and I do love crime drama's, from Frost to New Tricks, from Miss Marple to Scott & Bailey - I love a whodunnit!


This blog is my opportunity to share my experiences, my troubles and hopefully the good times with you all, as much as this blog will be about my life as a 21st century student nurse and my life within the NHS I hope I can talk about other things too - my life - my hobbies - and the cooking!

I hope you all like my blog - and always feel free to comment and add your thoughts and feelings!

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