Tuesday 29 January 2013

BCG disaster!

Disaster has struck Nurse P – due to an audit on the university I’m not allowed to go on placement without my BCG, I should have been getting at the end of February (not my choice – you’re allocated the appointments by occupational health) and just staying the hell away from any patients with TB in the mean time! But no – it’s all change, I’ve been sent for a blood test to find out if I need a BCG, and then then sometime next week I’ll be jabbed, with a developing scar on my upper arm and be free to go back out into the world and heal the sick. Which is cracking – in the mean time I get to spend 10 days not quite sure where I stand and doing random bits and bobs of work. I have so so so almost finished my assignment, I am going to do the last 500 words before I allow myself to leave the library and go and have a lovely shower and a stir fry for my tea! Bliss!

What’s odd about being back in the North of England is that it really does feel like home now, as much as I miss Wales and being back at home home (I even listen to Welsh radio when I’m working) my little room, my little flat my little city is where I belong right now. I had to cycle 3 miles to get my bike fixed this morning – and then walked back in the cold winter sun to do my essay, it was only after I got back that I realised, that while 3 miles off on my bike to find a repair shop would be nothing back home, suddenly it was nothing here. This city is now so a part of my life that I’m kind of confident in getting around and about!

Anyway – that’s enough of me being philosophical – and hopefully when I next post – I’ll be back in the hospital!

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