Monday 6 May 2013

It's been too long!

I am very sorry - it really has been to long since I last posted a post!
In recent weeks I have spent a very long time working on an assignment, failed said assignment and am now in the process of sorting out a re-sub, which is dull for me, but would be even more dull for you to read about!

But what else has been happening in Nurse P's little world? I hear you cry, well:

  1. We've been allocated our next placements for 3 weeks time,
  2. We've been given the dates for our next exam,
  3. I've baked some truly fantastic cakes,
    And ...
  4.  I have spent a lot of nights watching tele I never got into on my laptop to cope with my failings as a Student nurse!
I'll deal with them one by one!

  1. I'm being sent to a Neuro-rehab ward, which I'm really looking forward to, I'll be dealing with everything from strokes to spinal injury which I think'll be really interesting. My last ward, although I loved it, was mainly booking people in and taking obs - so I'm itching to get back out there and learn some personal care skills, as well as really hot up on my clinical skills like injections and drugs rounds - they're really important skills to hone and I think to be second year student nurse you really do need a good grasp of such skills.
  2. Three weeks to go - and then I'll be sitting my final exam for my first year! It's a seen exam, which on the one hand is great because it means that I can formulate a strong answer and really prepare, on the other hand, for dyslexics like myself this can present there own challenges.
  3. And when I say truly fantastic - I mean astonishingly fabulous and brilliant! I made them for my friend T for her birthday, and when I went round for a glass of wine 2 days later they were gone!! I've attached the recipe, mine were so delicious but a little wonky on top so I chucked on a bit of chocolate fudge butter-cream on top. My own recipe of melted dark chocolate, butter and icing sugar blended and whacked in the fridge to cool for a bit.
  4. I've done a whole load of old Dr Who's, from the Tennant and Ecclestone era - I'd forgotten how good they were! And on my flatmate's advice I've taken My Mad Fat Diary out for a spin - and love it! If you haven't had a look yet - find it on 4OD and try it out, it's really good, funny, sweet and very moving at times. However: for those whovians among you - here's my run down on my top 5 favorite Doctor Who episodes!

    5. The God Complex (S6E11)
    4. The Unicorn and the Wasp (S4E07)
    3. Utopia (S3E11)
    2. The Idiots Lantern (S2E07)
    1. New Earth (S2E01) OR Boom Town (S1E11)

Hope you guys have have a fantastic time in all the lovely weather we're having finally  And I'll speak to you all soon!

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