Sunday 10 August 2014

The end of the line?

"I seldom end up where I wanted to go, but I almost always end up where I need to be."
Douglas Adams

Each university is different; some allow re-sits of exams - some do not. Mine does. One resit on each exam, a second attempt before you're off the course - which is lovely! However for me, this was not enough. I recently didn't do well on a resit, and when I say I didn't do well - I mean I did catastrophically badly!
So - now my place on the course rests in the hands of 1 man, and 30 minutes in his company. The exam was a practical, and in those 30 minutes I had to prove to one man that I was (a) competent, (b) safe and (c) had two brain cells to rub together.  I failed on all three counts alas.

What this means for my future in nursing I don't know, this all happened on my most recent placement so while talking to a 3rd year: Nurse D, he pointed out that I'm 2/3 of the way through and I'd be an idiot to give up now - and that to give up now would be to waste the last two years of training. While Sister S on the ward agreed she also said that if you're struggling with your 1st and 2nd year then 3rd year will be no easier - and that to go through all this again would be heart breaking and soul destroying if it led no-where.

So I'm at something of a crossroads - do I stay on the course that makes me happy but that might cost me a lot of money for me to fair? Or do I take alternative option - ditch the course and give up the thing that makes me very happy and chose a path that might cause me a lot less heart ache and I might be very good at ... who knows! Who knows what I'll decide to do - or what the future holds.

I have honestly no idea what to do - but hopefully a trip home for three weeks will clear out my head and help me make the decision!

1 comment:

  1. Hiya, I'm about to start my course as a SN and found your blog last night - loved it, you have a really nice writing style and it's nice to see others in the same boat. Just wondering, what did you decide to do with all this? It'd be cool to get an update :-)
