Tuesday 4 June 2013

I'm back - and exhausted!

2 days in,
25 hours on the ward already completed,
5:30am my alarm goes off,
8:00pm I get home

And I am LOVING it! I mean I'm tired, and I'd forgotten how annoying all the reams and reams of paperwork are in the hospitals but I'm loving it.

All the parts of nursing that I didn't get to do on my last placement I've got to do now, including personal care, drugs rounds, dressing and perianal swabs. (on others ... not that I've done them on myself you understand) Last time there I had patients who were completely compos mentis this time, very few are, which means learning a whole new way of interacting with patients which has been hard, but quite enjoyable generally although hard.

Nursing's a strange thing, put on a uniform and an ID badge, and suddenly you're allowed into the most intimate corner of people's life, clean them up when they're incontinant, wipe away their tears when they cry and they don't know why and hold their hand when their scared of everything.

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