Tuesday 25 June 2013

Moving on and my addiction

"There is no standing still because time is moving forward."

Greg Lake

It's not something I've ever really considered, when you think of nursing you think how great it is to be helping someone, or how hard it is when there's someone you can't "fix" or the paperwork pisses you off, or the hours get you down. But I never really considered how we as nurses are expected to just move on.

Treat a patient for weeks, months or years - grow close to them and their family and then to lose them and within hours to be treating a totally new patient as if the previous were never there.

I lost a patient over the weekend, I worked Saturday - and Monday. At Monday handover we were told that we had lost her the night before, by the time drugs rounds had started the room was being fogged and by tea time we were admitting a replacement. And that's meant to be fine: we've lost A and in her place is B. You don't think that when you become a nurse - you don't imagine that you're going to be in a position where you just have to switch off and over so quickly, and it's hard - it's so hard, because it's not the kind of thing that we're programmed to do, we're meant to care, we're meant to care and yet we're meant to just move on without being emotional, and that's inhuman and hard.
So on I move, I smile and I welcome chat away - and then when I get home I think: think about how this works, I drink my tea I eat my pasta I watch my tele and I think.

"This is my life, I  can either think; there's one person who I did everything for to make their end more comfortable, I learnt from treating them, and here's a brand new person - who needs my help and who I can transfer all this new knowledge to. Or I can jump - go and leave and take myself  off and become a temp again."

And I've chosen - I'm staying. If you don't move on and fight it out and keep going then you're never going to get anywhere. Nothing worth having comes easily.

I am an addict.

I don't take drugs, I don't drink to excess, I'm not a sex addict - I'm a courgette addict. I mean I've always liked courgettes, but recently someone told me that courgette, prawns and tomatos make a lovely pasta sauce so: off I go and make some very nice pasta sauce with courgette in.
 And BOOM! I'm now on my 3rd week of eating courgette with everything - every single one of my tea's these 3 weeks have consisted of courgette with something - anything - as long as it's courgetty!
Agghh - it's so delicious! I'm going to assume that this is an OK addiction, I mean if you look at alcoholism, heroin addiction, smoking and hardcore courgette addiction and I'm pretty sure that mine'll come out the safest!

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